Tuesday 22 January 2008

That's a wrap!

We had a very productive day today. Oh yes. I am very excited to tell you that I currently have the DVD of "Anything TV" sitting next to me. We started shooting fairly early today, and thanks to a well-thought out shooting schedule we knew exactly what we had to do and in what order, which meant we had a lot more time to edit than if we'd wasted too much time working out what needed to be shot, where we could shoot it, and what we were going to say. So having learnt from my previous experience of film making, I insisted we get all that hoopla and flotsam and jetsam out of the way the day before. As a result, the edit is much stronger because we weren't at all rushed. We even had time to play around with iDVD and create a lovely animated title menu screen, featuring our Anything TV logo. I love it, Leigh loves it, we hope you'll love it too.

I'd also like to do a quick shout-out (or perhaps type-out is more appropriate) to the lovely Fay (aka Mrs Iceman), who acted as camera person for the sketches which featured both of us. She did an excellent job of filming the absolute nonsense we'd come up with, so thanks Faybee :-)

Anyway, we think it looks real horrorshow and can't wait to show it off. I don't know how many people are planning on coming to the screening tomorrow, but I'll be sure to post it on YouTube afterwards, so viddy well, and let us know what you think!

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